Sunday, January 6, 2013


Nerderism (yeah, you like that) of the day:

"You are the way you were meant to be."
-Iron Sky (2012)


Moon Nazis you ask? Well let me tell you.

So I got back from work, hung out with the kid and the hubs, kid goes to bed and husband puts on "Iron Sky" a 2012 Blind Spot Pictures, 27 Films Production, New Holland Films Production, about moon nazis trying to take over the earth. Yes, moon nazis. (Netflix) I started paying attention when pseudo Albert Einstein turns a black man Aryan. (Horrible graphics) Did I mention the US president is a female? No? Well, they made her look like Palin.  (Haha) She has a minion and she wears all leather. Both of them are trying to do things to get re-elected, things such as you know starting a global war against moon nazis.. no bigee.

Justin learned that high heels are in-fact deadly.

Favorite Parts:

"All presidents who start a war in their first term get re-elected" - Faux Pas Palin

"I am like Franklin Roosevelt!" - FPP
"If you are Roosevelt who is your General Patton? Me?! Oh my what will I.." -Minion
"What will you wear? Oh you will figure something out, you always do." -FPP

HAHA female president problems.

"Okay, who didn't arm their spaceship?" - FPP
*Finland slowly raises hand*
"Great that's just great.You all broke your word!" -FPP
"So did you!" - Other countries
"We always break ours, that is just what we do!"- FPP

^Discussing arming space ships with Nukes


Black gent finds cure turns himself black wins former Nazi female's heart. When she sees the error of her Nazi ways she sees him for who he truly is... (all together now, AWWW)

"You are the way you were meant to be"

So though there was some very silly moments to this movie here is what I got from it.

1. There may be Nazis or other militants (perhaps even us!) hiding on the Dark Side of the Moon waiting for global conquering.

2. If I were ever president, I would in fact be worried about what to wear the day I lead the U.S. into war. (Very important.)

3. Most of the time people do not know they are wrong so you should show them.

4. Everyone is EXACTLY how they were made to be.

Gotta go, just found out Netflix has Treasure Planet.

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